
Robo-Advisors Help Investors Peek Behind the Curtain

At the point When many people’s investment portfolios took a significant hit after the 2008 subprime mortgage catastrophe, more than a few financial advisors needed to send a robotic clone to inform customers their portfolios had lost value. Robo-advisors are currently doing a great deal of what financial advisers do – not the filthy work of course. Robo-advisors deliver automatic portfolio management solutions – investment targets and risk screening, asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing – all with practically zero human intervention.

what is a robo advisor? This same Technology has also captured more than one human financial adviser with his trousers down as investment advisory services are now considerably more transparent. Wealth Managers, for instance, continue to charge annual expenses of about 1 percent in any event, when a large part of investments are handled through index assets rather than actively. However rather than displace financial advisors, using the same technology to enhance their own companies has enabled some professionals to zero-in on what they do best while providing more transparent, cheaper investment advisory services for clients.

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Fooling Some of the People Some of the Time

Wealth Direction is a $5 trillion dollar business and hidden investment costs would be the shame of the investment advisory company, particularly at old school brokerage companies. Indeed, even passive indicator assets may kickback a shrouded 1 percent fee to a broker. These shrouded expenses diminish investment returns 1 percent annually or even a whopping $17 billion, resulting in up to a 12% reduction in retirement income, based on a continuing report on investment advice and retirement savings from the President is Council of Economic Advisers (CEA).

Wealth Management firms will need to modify relationships and trust with the investment community. People who have focused on customer relationship building alone, however, have observed their clients escape for electronic investment platforms. Our research indicates that organizations that incorporate digital tools in their business models can help reinforce these relationships instead of threaten them, and actually assist them with bringing the most profitable investors, says Owen Jelf, international managing director of Accenture’s Capital Markets practice